MCOC Best Champs to Awaken and Signature Stones Spend Guide

MCOC Awakening Gem Guide

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Awakening gems are valuable items in Marvel Contest of Champions that allow players to awaken their champions and unlock additional abilities and synergies. 
So think twice before using any awaken gem (random class or generic) on champs (especially 5 Star or 6 Star). You should have an idea like that champions need or deserve a particular gem, and after using a gem on that champ, what exactly improves that champion's attack or defense?  

Here is a guide to help you understand the different types of awakening gems and how to use them effectively:

1. Class Awakening Gems: These gems are specific to each class of champion (Mutant, Skill, Science, Mystic, Cosmic, and Tech) and can only be used to awaken champions of the same class. When a champion is awakened with a class gem, they gain an additional ability that is unique to their class.

2. Generic Awakening Gems: These gems can be used to awaken any champion regardless of their class. However, using a generic gem on a champion of their specific class is usually more beneficial because it unlocks more unique abilities and synergies.

3. Event Awakening Gems: These gems are only available during special events and can be used to awaken specific champions (Example: During Valentine Day - Romance Awakening Gem) . They have the same effect as generic awakening gems.

📌 How to use awakening gems in Marvel Contest of Champions (MCoC)? 

To use an awakening gem, you must first have a champion that can be awakened. Once you have the gem, go to the champion's info screen and select the "Awaken" button. If you have the appropriate awakening gem, you can use it to awaken your champion.

📌 How to obtain awakening gems in Marvel Contest of Champions (MCoC)? 

Awakening gems can be obtained through various in-game events, special offers, or purchased with real-world money. Some events and quests offer awakening gems as a reward for completing certain objectives.
  • 3 star generic awakening gem - after exploring Strory Quest in Act 2.
  • 4 star generic awakening gem - after exploring Strory Quest in Act 4.
  • 4 star class awakening gem - after exploring a special quest in Road to the Labyrinth.
  • 5 star generic awakening gem - after exploring Strory Quest in Act 5 and exploring a special quest in the Labyrinth of Legends.
  • 5 star class awakening gem - after exploring a special quest in the Labyrinth of Legends.
  • 5 star class awakening gem - after exploring Back Issues (Variant Difficulty) quest.
  • 5 star class awakening gem - Occasionally, by playing side quest.
  • 6 star class awakening gem - after exploring Strory Quest in Act 6.
  • 6 star class awakening gem - after completing Strory Quest in Act 7.
  • 6 star class awakening gem - after completing a special quest in the Abyss of Legends.
  • 6 star generic awakening gem - after exploring a special quest in the Abyss of Legends.
If you have Awaken Gem and confused between champions like whom to awaken, then don't worry about it. I'm sure this article will definitely help you.

MCOC Best Champs to Awaken Guide 2023

In general, it's a good idea to save your awakening gems for champions that are considered to be high-tier or have a useful unique ability. It's also important to consider your playstyle and team composition when deciding which champions to awaken. Keep in mind that awakening a champion doesn't guarantee that they will become more powerful, so choose wisely.

📌 Signature Stone Spend Guide in Marvel Contest of Champions (MCoC) 2023:

In Marvel Contest of Champions, signature stones are items that can be used to increase a champion's signature ability level. A champion's signature ability is a unique ability that is unlocked when a player reaches a certain level with that champion, and it can provide powerful bonuses to the champion's performance in battles.

Signature stones can be earned by completing certain quests, opening crystals, or purchasing them with real money. They come in different levels, ranging from 1-star to 5-star, and can only be used on champions of the same star level or lower.

Using signature stones on a champion will increase their signature ability level by one. Each level of a signature ability provides different bonuses to the champion, such as increased damage, improved defense, or additional effects to their special attacks.

It is important to note that signature stones are a rare and valuable resource in Marvel Contest of Champions, so it is recommended that players use them strategically on their strongest champions or those with the most powerful signature abilities to maximize their benefits in battles.

Here is a guide on how to spend signature stones in Marvel Contest of Champions:
  • Prioritize your best champions: Focus on using signature stones on your strongest champions first. These are the champions you will be using the most in battles and are most likely to benefit from increased signature ability levels.
  • Choose champions with strong signature abilities: Look for champions with signature abilities that provide significant bonuses to their performance, such as increased damage or improved defense.
  • Consider the level of the signature ability: The effectiveness of a champion's signature ability increases with each level, so consider using signature stones on champions with lower signature ability levels to get the most benefit.
  • Save signature stones for 5-star and 6-star champions: Signature stones are rare and valuable items, so it's best to save them for your 5-star and 6-star champions, as they are the most powerful and will benefit the most from increased signature ability levels.
  • Be strategic with your spending: Don't waste signature stones on champions that you don't use or that have weak signature abilities. Instead, focus on using them on champions that will give you the biggest advantage in battles.
Overall, spending signature stones in Marvel Contest of Champions requires careful consideration and strategic planning. By prioritizing your best champions and choosing those with strong signature abilities, you can maximize the benefits of these valuable items and improve your performance in battles. 

Checkout the following list of champs that need particular sig stones level in MCoC:

  • Champ that need signature stones 200 in MCoC - Mr. Fantastic, Void, Captain America (IW), The Thing, The Overseer, Falcon, Korg, Aegon, Domino, Toad, Omega Red, Namor,  Wolverine, Ghost, Nimrod, Warlock, Guardian, Hercules, Knull, King Groot, Angela,  Magik, Doom, Wiccan, Longshot, The Hood, Scarlet Witch (OG).
  • Champ that need signature stones between 101 to 160 in MCoC - Kingpin, Valkyrie, Tigra, Colossus.
  • Champ that need signature stones between 20 to 100 in MCoC - Scorpion, Immortal Abomination, Kitty Pryde, Galan, Juggernaut, Archangel, Infamous Iron Man, Hyperion.
  • Champ that need signature stone 1 Only in MCoC - Nick Fury, Shang Chi.

If you find this helpful and would like to say thanks do it in the comments section. 

If you have any suggestion for "MCOC Best Champs to Awaken with Awakening Gem" then let me know via comments... 

Thank You.


  1. Guillotine is a great champ to awaken. Her health steal is well worth it. I currently have her sig ability at L40. Depending on the soul count, she gains a lot of health back. This saves you a lot of health potions in the long-run.

  2. Am i really the first one to do a comment??? OKAY
    I say thak you at first!
    Ist a really good breakdown, although it didn't bring to me what i wished... The Thing i wanted to hear was that any of my champs is worth the cosmic or Mutant gem... But at least now i know that they aren't :(
    Thx a lot
    Youre Tree

  3. I got generic awakening gem whom should I awaken? Morningstar, Hyperion, KM or IMIW.

  4. If I don’t have either synergy, is the benefit greater for awakening 5* Medusa over Captain Marvel movie with a cosmic awakening?

  5. Hey bro i think that you are an Indian and if you are and Indian then please reply ' kaisa hai Bhai? Sab thik hai na ?' love to see your hardwork and dedication

    1. Hey Hello Bhai.
      Yes, I'm an INDIAN. Aur sab badhiya bhai..
      Thanks for the support bhai, and Don't forget to share this blog link with your alliance teammates :)


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